How To Start Writing Your Memoir

I’ve been asked many times how to start writing a memoir. It’s important to know what point you are trying to make. For example, do you have a success story with trials and tribulations? Or had someone been lost and then found? You get the idea. There are many ways to spin your story, you just have to decide what story you want to tell.

Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Choose Your Theme: Decide on the central theme or focus of your memoir. What aspect of your life do you want to explore? Is it a specific period, a personal transformation, or a significant event?
  2. List Associated Memories: Make a list of memories related to your chosen theme. These could be pivotal moments, emotions, or experiences that resonate with your overall story.
  3. Add Others’ Related Memories: Consider how other people’s memories intersect with yours. Family members, friends, or colleagues might have insights or shared experiences that enrich your memoir.
  4. Write Truthfully: Honesty is crucial in memoir writing. Share your authentic feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Remember, it’s your perspective, not an objective account.
  5. Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of merely stating facts, show vivid scenes and emotions. Use sensory details to immerse readers in your world.
  6. Vulnerability: Be willing to reveal your vulnerabilities. Readers connect with authenticity and relatable struggles.
  7. Make Connections: Weave connections between different stories or memories. Show how they relate to your central theme.
  8. Reflect on Impact: Consider how these memories have shaped your life today. What lessons have you learned? How have you grown?

Remember, writing a memoir is a journey of self-discovery. Take your time, reflect, and enjoy the process!

Five Reasons Writers Should Listen to Podcasts

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

Sitting down to write isn’t as easy as some may think. When writing a book, not only does it take creativity but it requires knowing the rules of writing. You could visit the library and check out a plethora of books and maybe that works best for you. But, in the end you are spending more time reading than writing. If you were to listen to a podcast when you take a break from your writing you could spend quality time learning the craft by simply listening.

When you walk your dog, feed your cat, clean your place or even when you take a shower these are necessary tasks, we all must do, so why not multitask by listening to a podcast? There are plenty of platforms and ways to listen and learn all about how to write, what’s new in the world of publishing, how to sell your books and even how to use social media. Below are my five reasons writers should listen to podcasts and which five podcasts you should start with if you are not sure where to begin.

Learn Writing Tips

When you sit down to write your novel you may get to a point when you realize you don’t remember some of the general grammar rules. Mignon Forgarty, the creator of Grammar Girl, can help you with simple tips that will make you a better writer. Mignon’s podcast has won the “Best Education Podcast” and she is an inductee in the Podcasting Hall of Fame.

Learn The Pros and Cons of Traditional and Self-Publishing

If you are curious as to whether or not you should go down the rabbit hole of traditional publishing or just publish your book your way can be difficult without a bit of insight. Belinda Pollard is the founder of Gracewriters podcast. She is a publishing consultant, writing coach and book editor. Her podcasts offer writers plenty of helpful resources.

Learn What’s New in Publishing

Keeping up with publishing trends is a task most writers don’t have time for when you are trying to just get your book done. Joanna Penn of the Creative Penn takes on that task for you. She is an award-nominated, New York Times and USA Today bestselling thriller author. She interviews plenty of professionals with experience in publishing, marketing, writing and so much more.

Learn How to Use Social Media

It seems everyone has a favorite social media platform these days. There are some people that use all of the popular social media platforms. The question is how to use social media to sell your book. Andrea Jones of the Savvy Social podcast has her finger on the pulse of the how and why of social media marketing. Authors should think of themselves as a business and Andrea can help you navigate the social media platforms.

Learn How to Sell Your Books

As an author it is important for you to grow your business by selling your books. If you are not sure where to begin the Sell More Books Show podcast, with Bryan Cohen and Claire Taylor help authors stay up-to-date with book marketing tools.

You are now ready to begin your journey of becoming an informed author. Be sure to take a moment to listen to these experts so you can become a better writer and sell more books.

NaNoWriMo Resources

November is fast approaching and you will want to start gearing up for NaNoWriMo. At the Writersaurus there are plenty of links and other information to help with character development.

2015 NaNoWriMo Resources: Character

General NaNoWriMo info (Coming Soon)

NaNoWriMo Plotting Resources

NaNoWriMo World Building Resources (Coming Soon)

NaNoWriMo Resources: World Building (Coming Soon)

NaNoWriMo Resources: Inspiration (Coming Soon)

NaNoWriMo Resources: Beating Writer’s Block (Coming Soon)

Finding Out Who Your Characters Are

Marcel Proust’s 35 Questions to Ask Your Characters (The Write Practice)

The Gotham Writers’ Character Questionnaire (Gotham Writer’s Workshop)

Blank Character Sheet – Over 370 Questions! (The Chugs Boson on Deviant Art)B


Self Publishing Comic Books

I was very excited to find this post on self publishing a comic book. I was very curious about this subject and found the post to be very interesting and information. Please be sure to stop by Kate Tiltons site to see all of the links and other information.
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4 Expert Tips for Self-Publishing Comic Books

Last weekend I had the utmost pleasure of attending Anime Boston. Now some of you may be saying “Wait, wait, anime? What does that have to do with self-publishing?” and the answer is quite a lot. If you’re on this blog you probably know authors self-publish fiction books and non-fiction books, but have you ever consider self-publishing comic books? I hadn’t until I met the wonderful Trevor A. Mueller. I happened to come across Trevor’s information the day before the convention as I was planning my weekend. As an author assistant and someone who loves comics when I saw his panel “Self-publishing 101″ on the schedule it made it onto my must-do list.

When self-publishing first started there was a pretty big stigma, something we still sometimes see today, so I didn’t expect the room to be packed. Happily, I was very wrong. The room was standing room only and because of fire code some people were even turned away. READ MORE HERE!