The Proposal by Elysabeth Eldering

Title: The Proposal

Author: Elysabeth Eldering

Having a birthday on April Fools Day can make a fun time for celebration an agonizing day each year. Stella has this dread of her special day thanks to her mother. Stella remembers going to school with purple hair because her mother put purple die in her shampoo. Tonight is really special to Stella. It’s her 25th birthday. Her boyfriend Henry, who she has been with 5 years is taking her out for a romantic dinner. Unfortunately her mothers shenanigans have turned a simple romantic dinner with Henry into a night Stella won’t soon forget.

Elysabeth’s wonderfully humor filled story will have readers riding along the characters roller coaster of emotion. Its great to read a short story that doesn’t feel like a short story. I love the characters and wanted to learn more about them.

Ms. Eldering is the award-winning author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad (JGDS), 50-state, mystery, trivia series.

She entered her first writing contest on a dare and took a shared second place on the story (“Train of Clues”) that gave her an idea for a state-related series, where each state is the mystery.  Elysabeth has since entered several other contests, taking third in another Armchair Interviews contest with her story “The Proposal” (an April Fool’s Day story), first place in Echelon Press’s Fast and Frigid contest with her story “The Tulip Kiss”, and runner up in another Echelon Press’s contest (Fast and Fantasy) with her story “Butterfly Halves.” Her story, “Bride-and-Seek,” was selected for the SC Writers’ Workshop anthology, The Petigru Review.

Ms. Eldering makes her home in upper state South Carolina. She has three children, two teenagers and one grown, who keep her on her toes. When not working on her stories, she can be found at homeschooling conferences and other events selling her books. Elysabeth is a member of the national Sisters in Crime organization as well as the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI).

Elysabeth Eldering 

Author of FINALLY HOME, a YA paranormal mystery

THE PROPOSAL (An April Fools Day story), a humorous romantic ebook

THE TULIP KISS, a paranormal romance ebook

BRIDE-AND-SEEK, a paranormal romance ebook (coming soon)

BUTTERFLY HALVES, a YA fantasy ebook (coming soon)

Ma America, The Travelin’ Maven
Author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad (JGDS), 50-state, mystery, trivia series and TRAIN OF CLUES, a mystery destination story and the predecessor to the state series

3 comments on “The Proposal by Elysabeth Eldering

  1. Thank you, Kristi. I love writing short stories. I’m glad I could make the story not seem like a short story. I don’t know if Stella and Henry have any more stories but I’ll think about it – E 🙂

    Elysabeth Eldering
    Authof of Finally Home, a YA paranormal mystery
    “The Proposal” (an April Fools Day story), a humorous romance ebook
    “The Tulip Kiss”, a paranormal romance ebook
    “Bride-and-Seek”, a paranormal romance ebook


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