You Have A Book Idea. Now What?

O'Fallon Public Library

Image via Wikipedia

When I’m writing I often wonder if the book idea I have in my head has been done already. Well, we all know that everything has been done. What we have to do as writer’s is put our own individual spin on it. Easier said than done. Or is it?

A few ways to ease your mind is to do some research for your book idea. Perhaps some reading would be good. So where to start? One place I start is with the library. The library website in your area will have a catalog method in which you can search by title and subject. This is a quick and easy way to see what has already been done.

If you are interested in checking to see what’s happening around the world then you could search the World Catalog site. This site lists all of the library catalogs and you can find so much interesting information here that could help enhance your book idea. If you haven’t checked it out you really should.

The old faithfuls will be Amazon, Google, Good Reads and Shelfari to name a few. Get online. Do some searching and researching. Have fun and you will learn a lot. Good luck!